I have to testify: My thinking is being adjusted by the book we are currently reading with the church in Salt Lake City. It is a book by Witness Lee titled, A Word of Love to the Co-workers, Elders, Lovers, and Seekers of the Lord. First, I have to say that I have experienced some of what is mentioned in the book. In the past, when attempting to shepherd people, I did categorize them as good or not so good. I would then take care of the good ones and dismiss the not so good ones.
In what we have read so far, brother Witness Lee points us to Christ as our pattern. In one example, Christ ate with sinners and tax collectors. He Himself said that He had not come for the righteous but sinners. How many times have I read this passage in the Bible! Yet, I am being exposed how much discrimination is still in me. The book we are reading reminds us how much God loves sinners. John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world, that…”. This world that is mentioned here refers to all the sinful people in the world. In Luke 15 the prodigal son is received by his father with loving arms.
I cannot say that all my natural thinking will be changed overnight, but I thank God for His recent shining through our reading of this book with the church. I’m also thankful for our Christian brothers in other cities and the coworkers of brother Witness Lee who have recently recommended this book to us. There is light in our corporate truth pursuit. Thank You Lord Jesus. I do love You. Gain in me, all that You want. Reproduce Your heart of love in me.