The nature of praise is an offering – Q L

1 Corinthians 15:10 Bible

In reading the book Praising by Watchman Nee, I was touched that the nature of praise is an offering, a sacrifice, and as God’s children, we need to learn to offer the sacrifice of praise in the midst of our sufferings and situations.

In my experience, many times I find even I could with tears accept the discipline of the Holy Spirit through trials and sufferings, it is hard for me to praise God in the midst of the situations because I didn’t see what He is trying to accomplish in me through these situations. It is only when I look back, I have to bow my head and worship Him, saying, “Lord, You were never wrong.” I cannot imagine how more self-confident and proud I would have been if He didn’t sovereignly allow me to fail so many times. It takes an accumulation of experiences of His enlightening within and exposes of our shortcomings by the environment without.

I like 1Co 15:10a But by the grace of God I am what I am; May our eyes be opened to see that it is really by His grace and mercy that we could be what we are so that we can start to learn to praise Him in the midst of our sufferings and situations today.

Finally,  I want to share with you all one of my favorite hymns. It is not about the sacrifice of praise, but I think this hymn is with the same longing of accomplishing God’s purpose in His people, which is to express Himself through us.